Sutton Coldfield Adventure Unit
Our Policies
SCAU is an independent organisation. When we formed in 2013, we were very aware of the need to ensure that we maintain our compliance in safeguarding and other key areas. Below are our policies which are reviewed regularly by our Executive Team.
This document is written with reference to the ‘Every Child Matters’ Document, the Children’s Act 2004, Keeping Children Safe in Education and the HM Government document ‘What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused’ and NSPCC guidance
Bullying is an act of aggression, causing embarrassment, pain or discomfort to someone. It can take a number of forms;........
First Aid
The aims of our first aid policy are to:
Ensure the health and safety of all volunteers, children and visitors
Ensure that Leaders and Trustees are aware of their responsibilities
Behaviour Policy
The purpose of a behaviour policy is to assist the Leaders (to include Leaders, Instructors, Young leaders and visiting adults) to deliver activities............
Fire Safety
SCAU acknowledges its responsibility for the safety of people within SCAU if fires occur, for the prevention of fire and the requirement to have a written statement of general policy.............
Operational Policy
The purpose of an operational policy is to assist the Leaders (to include Leaders, Instructors, Young leaders and visiting adults) in the effective running of the groups within the unit................
Finance Policy
This policy has been drawn up with reference to the Charities Commission document “Internal Financial Controls for Charities – July 2012”. As with all SCAU policies, there is an expectation that leaders and Executive Officers will operate within the spirit of the policy - that being that all financial transactions are open, transparent to all and auditable.
Health & Safety Policy
SCAU is a 'volunteer only' organisation and consequently, is not legally bound to have a written Health and Safety Policy. The Trustees believe that the health and safety of all those involved in SCAU is of primary importance and this policy is drafted to provide a clear statement about how we manage our responsibilities in the unit.
Data Protection Policy
Sutton Coldfield Adventure Unit (SCAU) acquires personal data during the course of its activities. All personal data held is treated in strict confidence and is only used for the purpose for which it is collected. this policy outlines the processes utilised by SCAU to achieve this.