Sutton Coldfield Adventure Unit
To Inspire, Challenge & Engage

Sutton Coldfield Adventure Unit (SCAU) was formed in January 2013 with the aim to inspire, challenge and engage young people between the ages of 7 and 18 years. SCAU consists of approximately 200 young people who attend one of our three sections; Hydra (7-10yrs), Lynx (10-14yrs and Orion (14 - 18yrs). We have a vibrant young leader section who assist at Hydra and Lynx and have over 45 leaders.
Our activities range from party games to archery, from walking in the park to leadership exercises, from mountain biking to visiting the Christmas Market.
Our leaders are all trained in safeguarding, have enhanced DBS checks and attend bespoke training pertinent to specific activities.
At SCAU, we are always looking for new activities, new locations to run from, new leaders and new funding streams. If you think you can help with any of those, please contact us. Below is a few of the areas we are currently working on.

Yes, leading can be hard work but the bulk of our time is spent enjoying ourselves and relaxing in the company of some wonderful young people and leaders. We are always looking for leaders for all of our sections and if you fancy trying out at any or all of the sections, click on our leadership page where you will find more information.
Leading at SCAU is enormously fulfilling and provides some great opportunities, not just from a social perspective, but also enhances your CV and develops key skills around communication and confidence.

Location, location, location.
We currently operate from two main locations. Lynx meets at Holy Trinity Catholic Church Hall and Hydra and Orion meet at the Newman Centre accessed via the church car part at St Nicholas's on Jockey Road.
Both locations are fantastic but as ever, we need to keep planning for the future should we grow in number or availability of locations change, so any new ideas for locations to meet at, either regularly or for specific activities will always be considered.

Young Leader Opportunities
Some of our Orion members also help out at Hydra as young leaders. In addition, we also have some young leaders who solely assist at Lynx.
For some, this role is to fulfil their DofE volunteering requirement but for many, it is simply for their own enjoyment.
We will be offering some additional leadership programs through our Changemakers Programme - watch this space for additional information.
We wont always be able to provide young leader opportunities as the demand id high, but feel free to enquire and if needed, we can always add you to the waiting list.